John Shaw's Guide to Digital Nature Photography

John Shaw's Guide to Digital Nature Photography

2015 • 242 pages


Average rating4


How do you take great photographs of the big natural world? Many of us love to take photos today and one of our favorite subjects is nature.

Often, however, our photos are disappointing. What are we doing wrong? How can we take better pictures?

This book is an excellent place to start. About half of the book tells about ways to better ways to use the equipment and better ways to compose photos. In the section on equipment, I learned about filters and flashes and metering and tripods and lenses and exposures. I'm a new photographer, so much of the information about ways to use the equipment was new to me, and some of it was over my head. But if you have more experience as a photographer, it will probably be perfect for you. For me, my favorite part of the book was about ways to better compose the photos. In this section, I learned about lighting, framing, close-ups, and learning to see “photo-graphically.”

I've had this book for several months, and I've read over it many times, in preparation for my trip this summer to Yellowstone Park.

August 27, 2015