Joseph's Yard

Joseph's Yard

1969 • 32 pages


Average rating4


Trying to read all 1001 Children's Books You Must Read Before You Grow Up can be a frustrating experience. It doesn't sound like a hard challenge, does it? After all, these are children's books. Right?

But what about books like Joseph's Yard? It's described as a classic 32-page children's picture book. Yet it was as difficult to find as if it were the Hope Diamond.

Well, maybe not quite that difficult. After all, I did obtain a copy last week. Happily. From Paperback Swap. Thank you for sharing this former library book from Tawas City, Michigan. I see now why it is on our 1001 list. Though I'm perplexed not to find it widely available. Perplexed and sad.

Joseph's Yard is the very short story of Joseph and his yard. Joseph cleans up his yard and puts a plant in his yard. The plant puts out a flower and Joseph loves it so much that he snaps off the flower. The plant withers away and Joseph is very sad. After winter, Joseph is surprised to see the plant has come back and another flower has appeared. Birds and insects and cats come to Joseph's yard because of the plant and Joseph becomes fearful and covers his new flower with his coat. Again, the flower dies. And, again, Joseph is sad. Winter comes again, and the plant returns once more. This time, Joseph leaves the plant alone and, soon, the yard is filled with flowers and insects and birds and cats. Joseph is happy.

Beautiful woodcut illustrations. Simple but poignant story.

September 23, 2012