Junia Is Not Alone

Junia Is Not Alone


Short review: This is a very short book (really an article) on Junia and her history. We do not know much about Junia (mentioned only in Rom 16:7), but we do know that throughout much of the last 500 years of Christian history she has been referred to as a man or if acknowledges as a women was reduced from her role as an apostle.

I wish there was more here. It really does not even scratch the surface. McKnight has a blog and this would make a better long blog article than a short book. It is worth reading, but I am not sure it is worth paying $2.99 for.

I would suggest you read How I Changed My Mind About Women in Leadership first. It actually deals with scripture and the struggle of how people come to understand that women should be in church leadership.

My full review is on my blog at http://bookwi.se/junia/

December 5, 2011