Just Dope. The Case for Legalizing All Drugs for a More Just World

Just Dope. The Case for Legalizing All Drugs for a More Just World



Average rating4

Jeff SextonSupporter

Current (420 Day 2022) Description Inaccurate. Read As Memoir. If you go into this book expecting what the current description claims the book is - a take down of all drug laws by a lawyer who knows them well - ummm.... you're going to be severely disappointed. As pretty well every review earlier than my own notes. If you go into this more as a memoir with some generalized points about why legalization of all drugs would make for a more just world - with scant documentation, accounting for only 10% of the ARC text -... you'll be more satisfied with this book than had you believed the current description. The text here is truly more about Margolin and her parents - her dad being one of the more famous/ infamous drug criminal defense lawyers in the US - than any other central issue, though the drugs Margolin uses and she and her dad defend others using in court are never far away. Overall, this is more of a primer text for those who may not be familiar with many of the complete legalization arguments to see how they play out in the life and mind of one particular LA-based drug lawyer. If you're looking for a more detailed examination of the arguments and their pros and cons... this isn't that text. Still, for what it is this is a worthy read that can at least add a degree of nuance to the overall conversation, and for this it is recommended.

April 17, 2022