Kaikki rahasta - Näin säästin kymppitonnin vuodessa

Kaikki rahasta - Näin säästin kymppitonnin vuodessa


Average rating5


This book is a must-read for everyone! It explains saving, investing, the economy, etc. in a practical way and is very well written. This would have saved me from so many money-related mistakes if I had read it before moving out on my own for the first time.

While I've been saving and investing for years already, there was lots of practical information about real estate that I've been looking for but haven't found anywhere else. There were lots of times I found myself thinking “Why isn't this taught in school? or “Why didn't I read this book sooner?”. 

I also loved the fact that the book was very inclusive and easy to read. It talked a lot about the finances of people who aren't wealthy at all, which makes it relatable to most people.

November 16, 2022