Keepers of the Covenant

I wish there was more information regarding the 70-year passage. I couldn't remember reading anything that suggested time had gone on for that long until I got almost to Chapter 5 and was hit with the time lapse. My heart sank every time the Jews' massacre was discussed. I didn't like to think about the demise of anyone, but especially women and children. However, I found myself rejoicing when good news arrived. Like the first book in this series, I felt like I was sharing the good and the bad with the characters. I enjoyed the intersections coming from Bethlehem as it reminded me as sort of a “meanwhile in. . . “ perspective. There were times I was shocked about my reaction the words brought, for example, the times I thought I would be sympathetic, yet I found myself angry. I did find myself sympathetic but shocked regarding Rueben's actions following an event. There were multiple times when I was caught off guard because I thought I knew what was coming, but I was proven wrong. I loved that about this book.

Favorite quote: “ It's much harder to resist the enemy of gradualism and assimilation. Much harder to maintain a passion for god when we are bogged in the daily routine of life” - Ezra

June 27, 2023