Cover 4

Kill For Me



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This originally appeared at The Irresponsible Reader. had happened the way he planned it and there was no use crying over a perfect plan. The one surprise was how well it had all gone. How easy it had been to manipulate people. Like pieces on a chess board they had done as he told them to. They'd moved where he told them to move and done as he'd told them to do. He felt powerful and it was a feeling he liked and could get used to...

He could create a vicious circle where the police could never catch up . . . and he was pulling the strings but not a single strand of his DNA was left at the scene. It was priceless.

Pure genius. He was a genius.

There were enough people in the world who were more interested in saving themselves than anything else that they would do as he told them to

There were some fun times ahead.

The Twisted Web

Kill for Me

June 22, 2019