Killer Content

Killer Content

2021 • 336 pages


Average rating3


“I've only ever been loved like a Top 40 song—the latest hit, the hot new thing. Something fleeting, bubbly and fun; nothing serious. But just once, I'd like to be loved like a poignant, timeless ballad.”

out of this entire book this was the one quote that stood out to me the most. it was one of those quotes that i instantly needed to highlight because it made me feel something. i think everyone has had a thought similar to this at least once in their lives.

the overall book left me kind of disappointed because i had such high hopes for it. the idea of having a murder mystery in a content house really intrigued me and excited me to read but the characters seemed quite flat to me and one dimensional.

it also felt unrealistic at times where i was expecting more realism due to its more modern feel. however, i did enjoy reading it and there were moments of the book that had me feeling that same initial excitement when i first marked this as a to be read

September 20, 2022Report this review