Killing Floor
1997 • 528 pages


Average rating3.7


Imagine a 90s B-action-movie.

OK, you got the story.

My main issue with this book is the writing style which is nothing else then very short sentences next to very short sentences that are followed by even shorter sentences. If you can get into the flow you will stop noticing it, but then from time to time you just can't and will start tripping like you would walk in pitch black night deep in a even darker forrest.
That and the fact that is just strange someone can go around murder a shit load of people and just walk away. That is just a level too much ‘Murica' for me.

Nice as a brain clearing reading, but not something I could do all the time.

Still, I will try to read one or two more from this series, just to see if it goes on like this.

January 6, 2015