Kingdom of the Cursed
2021 • 464 pages


Average rating3.9


⭐️⭐️⭐️.5/5 stars

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Spoiler free review:

I had extremely high hopes for this book being that the series was moving from YA to NA, and I, unfortunately was a little disappointed. I felt like this was a much more character driven book rather than plot driven and not necessarily in the best way. The characters, Wrath and Emilia have certainly come a long way with their development. With the move to NA I was hoping for spice. Yes, there was some, but I guess I had high expectations that weren't met. If you want to read 400+ pages of sexual tension, then read this! I'll likely read book 3 because I'm a sucker and the author says it will be spicier and, with the way the book ended, that does seem hopeful. The story is certainly set up for an good third book for both the plot and the characters. Overall I didn't hate it I just expected more. There is some language and some sexual content I would say 18+ but nothing is graphic or explicit.

October 9, 2021