Average rating3.7
Book was kind of a mess?
It's a mess. Too many attempted surprises and traps that were either just incompletely flesh out or a big obvious twist.
The ending is a big blurry mess. I was utterly confused. I think the goal is to be a cliffhanger and make us read the next book, but I genuinely do not care what happens at all.
The houses could have been a really cool detail, but they were skimmed over.
Not my cup of tea. It felt very juvenile.
The interesting female MC died at the beginning of the book. Her twin, Emilia, didn't have a backbone. She's impulsive, reckless, and whiney. She's supposed to be a witch but basically relies on everyone around her to make the plot move forward. She has almost no power until later on in the book and just wants to cook. Her only personality traits were cooking and loving her twin.
Wrath was interesting, but the whole writing style of him “only responding in one word answers” was trite by the end.
I unfortunately purchased a few special editions of the sequel prior to reading this and I am now filled with regret. Hopefully I can find them homes with someone who will love them the way they deserve to be loved.