La fille qui navigua autour de Féerie dans un bateau construit de ses propres mains

La fille qui navigua autour de Féerie dans un bateau construit de ses propres mains

2011 • 251 pages


Average rating4.1


I absolutely LOVED THIS BOOK! I wasn't sure how much I would enjoy it to start with, wondering if it would be too much of a children's book to really enjoy. I don't think the story has a specific age demographic, as it's full of fun story like, fantasy ideas and events, but also has many humorous moments which would be lost on kids. All in all I really enjoyed it.

The story follows 12 year old September on her adventure through Fairyland - where she encounters all kinds of fantastical creatures on her mission to save Fairyland from it's evil Marquess.

The storytelling is wonderful, I love the way that the narrator writes self-aware at times, acknowledging their-self as a factor in how the story is told! I love the beginnings of all the chapters which starts with a little black and white drawing and text like:

Chapter 1Exeunt on a Leopard

In Which a Girl Named September Is Spirited Off by Means of a Leopard. Learns the Rules of Fairyland, and Solves a Puzzle

It's fun, exciting, emotional, and a really good story. I will definitely be picking up the following books!

August 28, 2014