Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga

2010 • 272 pages

Herbert has produced what will no doubt be one of the many biographies about Lady Gaga that will appear over the course of her career. Spread over two hundred and sixty something pages, she recounts Lady Gaga's past twenty four years into an informative tome of biographical data, wordy description and scarily un-sourced sound bites from Gaga's various interviews over the last sixteen months or so.

As a fan, most of these quotes are familiar and doesn't really add to anything I didn't already know or haven't heard already, and it may be possible to say that Herbert spent many hours in front of her computer trawling the Internet in the name of “research”, rather than going to New York and trying to infiltrate the Haus of Gaga.

As a biography, Herbert seems totally in awe of her subject whereas a biographer's duty is to remain objective - this is not the case here. The cut and paste nature of this biography gives us a product that appears to be hastily put together in order to be sold quickly, and unfortunately it shows.

June 21, 2010