Le Mariage D'Une Princesse

Le Mariage D'Une Princesse

2015 • 432 pages

This was a really fun, light read. I read all the teen Princess Diaries books in grad school for stress relief, so it was nice to revisit Mia and all her friends. (And I think it totally does make sense for Mia to still be friends with her HS friends, since, as Mia explains, they were the ones who were friends with her before her princess status was ~revealed~). Adult Mia's personality is very similar to high school Mia, which in some ways is charming but in some ways is like... you're 26 and in line to the throne, maybe grow up a little bit??? EHHHH I also liked how this crossed over with [b:From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess 22718809 From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess (From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess, #1) Meg Cabot https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1412881103s/22718809.jpg 41355523]. (Although I still contend that there is something weird about Genovia's rivalry with Opressive Middle Eastern Qalif that I cannot quite articulate.)For me this was borderline between 3 and 4 stars but I ultimately rounded up because Fat Louie lives. #CatLadyReviews Ultimately if you only read ONE fictional royal wedding this summer... I'd have to recommend [b:The Royal We 22875451 The Royal We Heather Cocks https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1421107274s/22875451.jpg 42439906] instead. Still! This is a lot of fun, especially if you have fond residual memories of Princess Mia. Also it was the perfect light read I needed after [b:Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town 24911006 Missoula Rape and the Justice System in a College Town Jon Krakauer https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1423787030s/24911006.jpg 44518635].

July 11, 2015