League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Century : 1910

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Century : 1910



Average rating3.1


I feel a little odd reviewing this, as “Century” is being released in three parts, and this is just the first.

The League enters a new century and the reign of a new monarch in this volume. Fittingly, then, we meet both a new generation of characters (Nemo's daughter plays a prominent role) and a new league, filled with characters a little more obscure than the previous generation. I had to google half the cast to find out who they were, which takes away from part of the charm of the series, which was familiar characters from Victorian literature being placed in a superheroic milieu.

Still, on the other hand, it's Moore and O'Neill, so it's still a good read, even if it's not quite at the level of the previous two volumes.

April 8, 2011