Leaning Into Always
2017 • 100 pages


Average rating4


I had read most of this series last year yet somehow failed to log it into GR, or worse yet I didn't rate or review it. Bad reader. In any case I liked it very much at first read and it's exactly what I needed this week, when RL has been less than dreamy. I'm rating and reviewing this along with [b:Leaning Into Love 34093621 Leaning Into Love (Leaning Into, #1) Lane Hayes https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1486396986l/34093621.SY75.jpg 55110253] because really they're just one story split into two novellas, both excellently narrated by [a:Seth Clayton 14956475 Seth Clayton https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png]. Eric and Zane are part of a larger group of men, some straight, some bi, who've been friends since college and now they're ready for the next stage of their lives.Eric and Zane hail from the same hometown but prior to college, travelled in different circles: Eric was a geek and a champion debater, while Zane was/is the quintessential California surfer dude. Now they're 30, and one of their group is getting married, these two seemingly different guys fall into easy, angst free love. I like that the only bumps are Eric's occasional thoughts of “what does Zane see in me?”, but he doesn't dwell on them. I like how uncomplicated Zane's feelings for Eric are, how he doesn't question it, just goes with it. He's can be sexy, commanding, and sweet in equal measure, but doesn't suffer fools or people who mess with his man. Overall this is a great introduction to a group of friends who's stories I'll be happy to follow.

September 16, 2019