Leave the World Behind

Leave the World Behind

2020 • 241 pages


Average rating3.3


It's been a while since I've finished a book in one sitting. Literally the only reason I finished this book at all is because I listened to it over my shift at work, and I was essentially a captive audience. Thank God this was a short book, because this was not a good book.

So we have one family, a working mom, a somewhat dense dad, and their two teenage kids, who rent an AirBnB for a period of time (did they even say how long?). This particular house is out in the middle of nowhere in Long Island, no cellular reception, and very few (and distant) neighbors. Shortly into their stay, we meet the other family, the owners of the home, older, wealthy, African Americans. Spooked by apparently a power outage on the east coast, they decided to flee to their vacation home and sort things out there. Things....do not get sorted.

This is billed as a thriller, a horror, a mystery to be solved, but I felt none of that reading this. Certainly some strange events occur, but I was hoping it was all building towards some Big Reveal at the end. I felt intense dislike for Amanda, and vague dislike for just about everyone else. The writing seems like it attempts to be prose-y and flowing, but comes off excessively wordy and clunky instead. The author also does not seem to miss any attempt to shoehorn in genitalia references, and we even get a clunky sex scene or two between the mom and dad.

The ending also.........doesn't exist. Seriously, we get no conclusion. It felt like the author just quit writing in mid-scene. Was it war? Nuclear fallout? Disease? Aliens? No idea. Hints dropped pointing to any number of solutions, but nothing conclusive. What happened to the two families? Did they live (happily?) ever after? Did they die horrible deaths as their teeth fell out of their heads (wtf was up with that anyway)? Did they adapt to life without *gasp* cellular phones?? No clue.

This was almost a one star book for me. I gave it a second star for flamingos in the pool in Long Island and the ridiculous image that conjured. You have been warned.

February 8, 2021