Average rating3.9
There is a lot of problems with this story. Nevertheless, I enjoyed it. I am looking forward to her further adventures.
There's too many adjectives and adverbs.
The translation is too French. Too many unnecessarily difficult words. I have a large vocabulary in English, and I had to look up at least 10 words I had never even heard of.
And “In the clear water of Berenilde's eyes there was a kind of eddy.” What?
How everyone was telling her all the time to shut up, and how she was a worthless piece of crap, and her opinions had no meaning or interest or value... it didn't matter if she was in her matriarchal home ark or in the patriarchal future ark. Now, she is a strong female character, that much is true.
Also, I love Gail and Fox. May they marry and get a lot of children and restart the Nihilists.
Also - possible spoilers follow
He says: “I may have seemed a bit cold, earlier—”
“It's my fault,” Ophelia cut in. “Last time I behaved unpleasantly.”
“You knew him.” He'd whispered these words very stiffly. “It's not the first time that you're meeting him,” he continued. “As your real self, I mean.”
It took Ophelia a while to understand that he was talking about Archibald. She pushed back the wave of hair falling over her glasses like a curtain. “No, indeed. I'd already met him by accident.”
“The night of your getaway.”
“And he knew who you were for all this time.”
“I lied to him. Not very well, I'll admit, but he never made the connection between Mime and me.”
“You might have informed me.”
“No doubt.”
“Maybe you had reasons for not telling me about this meeting?”
Ophelia's neck was aching from looking up at Thorn. She noticed, in the lamplight, that the muscles along his jaw had tightened. “I hope you're not alluding to what I think you are,” she said in a subdued voice.
“Should I deduce that he didn't dishonor you?”
Ophelia was exploding inside. Well, that really took the cake!
“No. You, on the other hand, have humiliated me more than anyone has.”
Thorn raised his eyebrows and breathed in deeply through his big nose. “You're annoyed with me because I concealed things from you? You, too, lied to me by omission. It would seem that we both got on the wrong track from the start.”