
The book follows the story of Less, an unsuccessful writer who is about to turn 50.
An invitation to the wedding of his ex-boyfriend of the last decade (which Less doesn't want to go to) causes him to accept invitations to events around the world.

Pros: I really enjoyed Andrew Sean Greer's writing and the way the different episodes of Less's life are told, interspersing the past and present to support the character's development.
I immediately sympathized with Less, empathized with many of his fears, and devoured the book to find out how the story would end.

Cons: Less is a privileged and shallow character. I didn't feel there was any real growth for Less throughout its journey, ending up becoming a series of interesting episodes to tell friends, without much of a personality transformation or development.

“You are the most absurd person I've ever met. You've bumbled through every moment and been a fool, you've misunderstood and misspoken and tripped over absolutely everything and everyone in your path, and you've won. And you don't even realize it”

“Arthur Less, you have the best life of anyone I know”. This is nonsense to Less

I believe this was the author's purpose since you can support it with several quotes but part of my enjoyment of the book was lost because I felt Less had no agency in his happy ending.

Overall it is a good story about love, relationships and accepting yourself and I realy enjoyed it.
I can't ignore the feeling that if this book had been written by a woman or followed the story of a female character, it would be classified as chick-lit and not be a pulitzer.

Literary value: 4 stars
Entertainment value: 5 stars

January 9, 2022