Let the Wrong Light In

Let the Wrong Light In

2015 • 210 pages


Average rating3


I was thinking about why I like reading, watching movies, plays or Art in general and though I thought it was going to be something like “for entertainment” “for escapism” those are not truly the main reasons. It's because I'm infinitely and unabashedly curious about other human beings. What they like, what makes them tick, what life story or experience brought them to this pass and that brings me to this book. I've seen some reviews where people complain or dislike the book because “Malin is mean” or “the BDSM is really raw or not SSC” while I was so glad to have a real life relationship even though none of what Malin & Avery do turns me on except to be glad it makes them happy.

Let me explain. This is the story of two grown men, one a bit immature and the other almost entombed, who fall stumbling, tripping and ignorantly into a D/s and somewhat S&M relationship.

The story is told from Avery's POV and he IS the heart of the book. I love him. I love being in his head, even when he's being annoying. He's irreverent, smart, self-deprecating but not unaware of his professional talent and not a total pushover either. He's also generous and gregarious and brave and I really admire that. He's open and self-aware enough to discover and embrace a heretofore unacknowledged penchant for being “hurt” as a sexual turn on, specifically by his boss. He goes for it.

In the first half of the book, up to chapter 10, the relationship does seem very one sided and perhaps even dangerous, as Avery's friends keep insisting, and that may be true. But as much as I adored Avery and was worried sick for him I also looked back to myself & people I know and all the dumb shit we did and still do that on paper we know is bad or even wrong for us and we do it anyway.

Because we get that breath of life from it, because nothing else ever felt the same, because if the world ends tomorrow we had that moment in time.

So Avery being Avery he jumps without looking into the deep end of the pool and Malin follows him. People seem to think that Malin is just being an a**hole but the truth is that he's as in the dark about BDSM as Avery but just responds to something after having his life on ice due to “reasons”. Proceed to the next half of the book and the light will shine in all the right places.

Avery and Malin find a form of D/s that works for both of them in the manner that most people do: making mistakes, stewing over them and when all else fails talking. And for those who are sticklers over the rules we have Avery's coworker/friend Justin and his boyfriend Brandon who are a by-the-book, card-carrying Dom/sub couple.

In the beginning Malin seems like nothing more than a monosyllabic Sadist taking advantage and yet as Avery later observes: “Why didn't he realize most of Malin's weird behavior is simply that he's awkward?” Even though this is Avery's story to tell the character who really, grew, changed, made life altering choices and passed with flying colors is Malin. I was so happy for both of them by the end that I was going for a group hug but I don't think Malin has changed that much and Thank God! LOL

May I add that I was thrilled that Avery's issues where only romantic relationship centered. He has fantastic friends, a good job at which he excels and kick-ass parents. I love this.

There's a bit of an age difference, 15 yrs or so and what some may think of as a GFY factor but seriously it doesn't even come to mind because these are so non-issues for the MCs, I even forgot about it ‘til just now.

I did the Audio on this too and [a:Derrick McClain|13845656|Derrick McClain|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1431050448p2/13845656.jpg] is perfection in his choice of pacing and distinct voices for every character. Excellent.

September 29, 2016