Life and Other Happy Endings

Life and Other Happy Endings

2019 • 432 pages

This was such a thought-provoking book. What would you do if you only had 3 months to live? With the support of her best friend, Jennifer writes letters to those who have let her down in the past and who she would like to reconnect with or tell a few home truths to. She also buys a calendar to count down her final few months.

I loved hearing about her acts of recklessness and how liberated she felt by telling people what she truly thought of them. How free she felt in the lead up to her final months. I found it interesting to see how the people around her changed as well, they all embraced the notion of a second chance at making amends and putting the past behind them. However, I did question their integrity as they had the knowledge that they would only have to keep up their pretence for a short while.

Although the subject matter was morbid and quite intense it didn't feel sad. Yes there was an element of sadness surrounding terminal illness but the author added humour to her writing and gave it an air of lightness to prevent it being too emotionally heavy and draining.

This novel was actually very uplifting and champions female relationships. Jennifer's best friend Olivia is loyal, compassionate and extremely supportive. I absolutely adored her. I also liked the message portrayed by Jennifer when she said that sometimes the worst thing to happen to you can also be the best thing. It's not often that we have time in our busy lives to reflect and take stock, but by reading this book it actually allowed me to do just that.

Many thanks to Midas Publications for inviting me to join the blog tour and Random House Transworld for the ARC.

June 2, 2020