Lily's Easter party

Lily's Easter party


Average rating5


This is absolutely lovely. I've been blessed to get my hands on an advanced reader copy of [b:Lily's Easter Party: The Story of the Resurrection Eggs 14878231 Lily's Easter Party The Story of the Resurrection Eggs Crystal Bowman 20531961] and it's adorable. It's small in size but the illustrations are absolutely love and as always I love [a:Crystal Bowman 19334 Crystal Bowman]'s writing and text. Last Easter my oldest daughter was two I kept hearing about Resurrection Eggs, but didn't know anything about them. As this year she is three, getting near to four this summer, I was thinking it might be a concept we could incorporate this year. Still I didn't know anything about them and thus was delighted to get this book that not only will gently explain it to me but also my daughters. Even my toddler can appreciate this one. Thanks to Zondervan for providing an ARC copy for review. Wishlist - real copyposted:

March 18, 2013