2015 • 498 pages


Average rating3.4


So I'm guessing I got this because of the cover because right now I can't remember and I don't know if it is but by the end it kind of felt like an NA novel which I'm not totally opposed to but not my usual go to read either. Having said that and coming to the realization that most surely I am not the target audience for this I'll give it a generous 3 STARS.

The 40% percent of this was okay and even pleasantly surprising. I think the author writes well and introduced us to a nice group of friends who happen to enjoy or work in the porn industry and that was cool as there was no value judgement placed on those choices ... until there was!

Kat and her friends at first seem like a refreshing group full of crass banter and assertive in their wants, likes and dislikes. However it became exhausting when every other conversation involved calling each other jerk, dumb ass, bitch or threatening to punch someone in the ‘vag' or nuts. Me thinks they do protest too much. I had to remind myself that these were people crossing into the second half of twenty and not middle school kids on a sleepover without parental supervision. So yes, that got tiring pretty quick.

On to the “romance” and I do qualify that as I'm sort of in doubt about that aspect the book. It is a SLOW SLOW burn. Nothing remotely sexual happens until maybe 65 or 70% in and the sexy times come in the last 15% percent of the book by which time I didn't care. Kat had gone from cool girl to your run of the mill chick lit heroine who wonders what she's feeling, what the male MC is feeling, ‘does he just touch me all the time because we are friends?' and ‘friends get naked in front of each other all the time right?' and to top it off I felt she had quite the double standard. She loves porn but can't fathom the idea that Tristan has been a performer and thinks of al the women who work in porn or the female audience as bitches or skanks. Double morality much?

Frankly the most interesting characters where barely addressed: Tristan – why did he get into porn and what were his experiences during and after and Nicole and her boyfriend Callum would make for a good story.

I'm sure that for the target audience this would be over 4 STARS but for me it was a sweet meh read that perhaps took a little too long in getting to the point which wasn't necessarily the romance but that we all grow up and move on to to the next stages of our lives all told in a very R rated “Friends” kind of way.

October 13, 2015