Lost for You
2017 • 303 pages

This review will likely be all over the place and not make a lot of sense. This book was angst on steroids and depressing as hell. I did not enjoy it one bit. None of the characters were particularly likable and even by the end I didn't care if any of them got an HEA or not. BUT at the same time I found myself consumed with the story and desperately turning the pages. So clearly I have a bit of a conundrum here...

The writing was fantastic. The pace was fantastic. I was never bored or felt the need to skim. The plot was engaging and like I mentioned above had me turning the pages. It wasn't a happy-go-lucky read though. It was raw. It was dark. It was real. It was depressing. I guess there was redemption and hope to be found near the end, but for me the heaviness of the plot that comprises most of the book just overshadowed everything. Like I said above, this one was full on angst and drama. There really wasn't any OW drama but there was definite OM drama. There was a good cast of secondary characters and Taryn and Chase were OK. I just found none of them particularly likable. I found Taryn to be extremely annoying. The way she strung Beckett along. Yes, she repeatedly told him it was over in words, but her actions said anything but that. Chase was OK. I mean there wasn't anything wrong with him but I just never felt a “love” connection between him and Taryn. Hot sex, yes, but a soul deep connection...NOPE. I felt that more between Taryn and Beckett and their shared history and love. And don't even get me started on Tori. Chick was a grade A bitch and I have a bad feeling we will be treated to a love triangle with her and Logan and Dylan. 

So yea, as you can see from what I have written above I struggled with this one. There wasn't much I liked about it. Not the plot. Not the characters. The ending felt rushed. But I have to also admit that the author hooked me from the first page. My stomach was in knots. I was cursing. I needed to know how this was all going to play out. I just COULD NOT PUT THIS BOOK DOWN. Right now I am vacillating between 3-Stars or 4-Stars for this one. I think I will go with 3.5 for now with an option to change that upon further reflection.

December 25, 2017