Love and Marriage in the Liberty Years

Love and Marriage in the Liberty Years


It was interesting to read these articles from the 20's. I'm so glad to see woman's place in the world has improved. I would never make it in a world where I had to yield to a man's opinion in so many important matters. I am so glad that I married a man that considers me his equal or “better half”. We have been married over 20 years and we both listen to each other and care about the other's feelings and opinions. Neither one of us have to “pretend” anything - like the book says, to act interested in what they are talking about or their feelings on politics etc. We are just honest about those things and talk about why we believe what we do. A couple can have different opinions on things and still get along. It gives them something to talk about.

I do love the artwork in this book.

August 26, 2015