Love Lockdown

Love Lockdown

2021 • 258 pages


Average rating3.5

Jeff SextonSupporter

Making The Case For A More Systematic Examination Of Its Topic. This book does a tremendous job in looking at as many facets of love and relationships involving the United States' millions - literally -of prisoners via multi-year case studies of five particular couples. And therein also lies its chief weakness - while the original research for the case studies themselves was conducted directly by the author, the author states many facts beyond the people she is directly interviewing... and then the text doesn't provide any form of bibliography to back up these (sometimes alarming, shocking, or even dubious) claims. But even with this weakness noted, the text's strengths via its case studies are truly remarkable, and show the pressing need for a more systematic - and documented - examination of this particular topic. This is a book that will shock you. It will pull at your heart strings. It will make you cheer and cry and scream out at the people involved “WTF ARE YOU DOING!!!!!!”. And in these regards, it truly is a phenomenal book. Very much recommended.

June 21, 2021Report this review