Mad about the Banker

Mad about the Banker

2017 • 334 pages


Average rating4


This cover (like the book itself) is my least favorite of the trio. It's a bit on the boring side, and the guy on the cover isn't ANYTHING like how “I” pictured Jasper. The typography is interesting, though.

So this one ended up being my least favorite of the trio. I'll get into why in a second but first I want to say that while this one didn't quite meet my expectations, it was a still a very enjoyable book.

This is Lennon's story and if you've read the first two you know Lennon is the crazy fly by her pants tatted up friend. She drives a unicorn van and designs sex toys. I LOVED her in the first two books so I couldn't wait to see her first hand in hers.

The first part of the book was going well. I enjoyed both Jasper and Lennon. It was hot. It had humor. Then something was introduced. I can't really explain “what” without spoiling the book, but suffice it to say when that plot point was brought in is when the book went off the rails for me. Jasper lost his edge. Lennon lost her spark and the connection I was feeling fizzled out. I felt like the lightheartedness that I loved in this series went out the window and the book turned rather serious and more angsty.

Jasper was also my least favorite of the heroes. Sure he was hot and all Dom like at times, but his over reaction at the end soured me on him pretty fast. He acted like a child considering the stakes involved when one 10 minute conversation (which BTW is about as long as he groveled for) could have cleared the air. I also had an issue with the way Lennon's whole family treated her they were a bunch of judgy douches. lol

So I know it sounds like I didn't enjoy this one, but often it is the bad stuff we didn't like that takes up the most page space. All three of these books have been entertaining reads, and I would recommend them ALL. So sally forth and read

March 23, 2017