Average rating4
4.5/5 stars
Not sure what to say about this one yet, but yeah, definitely enjoyed it. Really well written and the fact that I
read the last 150 pages in one sitting should say something, I think.
Made You Up has to be one of the most unique contemporary YAs I've read in quite a while. From the very start it had me questioning what was real and what was a delusion (I've heard Made You Up marketed as “the ultimate unreliable narrator” and it is so true!). While I can't speak about how well or not represented the schizophrenia was, as I don't have the expertise to do so, I can say as a story it was totally fascinating and I loved how it made me think the whole time I was reading.
Initially, I found the pacing a teensie bit slower than I usually like, but I was still absolutely interested in the characters and what was going on. Alex's struggle made me connect to her immediately, and the cast of characters from Miles, to Tucker, to the triplets, and everyone else just felt very true to everyday high school experience (minus, you know, the out of the ordinary stuff going on).
Overall, I definitely recommend Made You Up to those looking for a fresh, unique contemporary YA and anyone looking for a brilliant example of an unreliable narrator in YA. As a bonus, I was happy to see mental illness handled respectfully, and very I'm curious to see what those with a better understanding and experience with schizophrenia think about the representation.
Great story with great characters and really wonderful writing. Made You Up lives up to the hype for sure. 4.5/5 stars.
Diversity note: Made You Up's protagonist has been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.