Magical Elements of the Periodic Table Presented Alphabetically by the Metal Horn Unicorns

Magical Elements of the Periodic Table Presented Alphabetically by the Metal Horn Unicorns

45 pages


Average rating5


Do you have a kid who's interested in all things science? Then you will absolutely want a copy of Magical Elements of the Periodic Table! This charming book by Sybrina Durant is bright, colorful, educational, and so much fun to read. It's an alphabet book that takes you on a journey through some of the magical elements of the periodic table, guided by the Metal Horn Unicorns.

Each letter represents a different element and is identified with a different unicorn. Information regarding the element itself, as well as its history and uses, is presented in clear, easy-to-understand language. The unicorn illustrations are adorable. It's learning at its best – engaging, accessible, and fun!

I read the Kindle version of the book, and so I have not availed myself of all the extras that are available. You can get a unicorn-themed periodic table, trading cards representing each of the 26 unicorns and their elements, fun lesson cards, and more as printable downloads. I think this would be a great summer activity to keep young minds active and entertained.

When my younger son was in elementary school, he was fascinated with all things science. This book would have been right up his alley. After reading it myself, I highly recommend this for any child who has an interest in science and enjoys an appealing, well-written book. And it's not just fun for kids – I learned some things, too!

Five sparkly unicorn horns up for a winner of a book!

June 12, 2023