Average rating4
So many names, to go with all the races and peoples and legends and languages and countries and cities and histories, that they all start to blur into one random character string and you forget who everyone is supposed to be. And sooooo loooooong. But I guess that comes with the territory.
Thought I was a fantasy fan, but perhaps not the sweeping epics. I was bored by LOTR, I was bored by this for much of the time. Horrified to discover that this is part one of a trilogy - and that trilogy is only one of a set of NINE sequences about the Riftwars. You're very welcome to it.
Having said all that, I can't deny I was swept up at times, and despite the tedium I found I did care and even though most of it was entirely formulaic and predictable, I was still happy when “things turned out alright in the end”.