Mama şi sensul vieţii. Poveşti de psihoterapie

Mama şi sensul vieţii. Poveşti de psihoterapie

1999 • 285 pages


Average rating3

“I explain to my patients that abused children often find it hard to disentangle themselves from their dysfunctional families, whereas children grow away from good, loving parents with far less conflict. After all, isn't that the task of a good parent, to enable the child to leave home?”

I have a strange relationship with Yalom. On one hand, I find there's a lot of truth in his stories, on the other hand, he's kind of a pain to read as I find his writing style fairly tiresome.

The patients from his anecdotes are more often than not extremely unlikable and frustrating people (at least to me they are), however, once I get to the end, I almost always feel glad I had the patience to follow through. The stories stay with me for a good while after reading them, I randomly find myself thinking about the characters and their situations.

March 24, 2017