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I wish this book were only history and not at all relevant to today. Fifty years ago John Lewis lead peaceful, nonviolent protests to raise awareness of injustice to people who were illegally prevented from registering to vote. These people faced overt racism and brutality from law enforcement. People of color were killed for daring to insist on equal treatment.
This series of graphic novels have brought to life these events from the past. Lewis has an opportunity to vent anger for what happened to people if color. I think he addressed there oppressors with grace while showing the reality of the anger, hatred, and ugliness of racism.
Let us live to understand those whose experience is different from ours. Let us listen to understand those who have a different perspective. Let us look to lift each other up rather than push each other down. Let us live the reality of God's love in our lives that sees all people of all races, cultures, and ideologies as children God doesn't want to live without.