Marching Through Georgia

Marching Through Georgia

1988 • 410 pages

I know I'm late to the party, like 40 years late but still. This book continues to generate chatter, being talked about by creators that I find interesting, so I decided to give it a read.
That was a mistake.
First problem- it is well written enough to get me deep enough so I couldn't just quit.
Second problem- all the inaccuracies. I happen to come from the region where this book takes place. I know that google was unavailable in the 80s but still, the mistakes are glaring. The Georgian military highway does not go through Ossetia, Ossetian is majority Christian, so a mosque would not be in the center of town. The Muslims of the north Caucasus don't wear turbans so it makes no sense to call them rag-heads. They would not speak Circassian in an Ossetian village, they would speak Ossetian, their own language. Also, whatever the Russians are speaking is not Russian, is a weird mixture of polish, Russian and something else? The vegetation described in the book is wrong for the region... I mean, it's fiction but this is very annoying to read
Third- the world building. Something this book is lauded for. The author doesn't bother to explain how a nation composed of the losers of the revolutionary war, the losers of the boer war and the losers of the civil war became a nation of winners of every war they take part in without changing their way. What drives technological progress in a feudal nation so much that they are more advanced than the Americans and Europeans combined.
Lastly, this is not a novel. It's fan-fiction. The worst kind of it- self insert fan fiction. The protagonist is just, smart, beautiful and can't lose. The nation wins just cos, has more industry and more technology just coz also.
It is telling that in a book with the Nazi as antagonists, you cheer for the protagonist to lose.
Fuck this book.
I've heard that the second book is shlocky erotica so I might give it a read.