2015 • 320 pages

I like Marny. So does everyone else I've come across that read the original trilogy. She's a big girl and she's unapologetic about it and while she might be a little insecure at times, she is wholeheartedly herself. That being said, to me, this book does not hold up to the rest of the books in this setting.

I thought the other five books were all kind of magical (though I did like the fifth less than the rest) and now I don't know if I've just lost interest in these type of stories, or if this book really does lack something. Though, if it does lack, it's Nyx's fault.

First I gotta say, Nyx is an awesome name. But, really, his character is so entitled it's not even funny. He discovers a Feyland forest in his bedroom and after playing around just enough to figure out how to manipulate it, he decides it's an appropriate idea to open up a nightclub and claim he created this forest (and other locales) through the use of immersive gaming and holograms. And charge money to see it. Yeah, dumbass, because nothing could possibly go wrong. And then he tries using the excuse of not telling anyone besides his sister because anyone he'd tell would exploit it to make money. ... And I'm supposed to like him?

Also, I know this series is sci-fi/adventure/fantasy hodgepodge, but I've always viewed it as more romance than anything else. (Which is why I almost rated the previous book down and now truly wish I had.) It's not until page 125 of my kindle copy - which is forty-five percent through the book - that the two mains finally meet. pause for effect/crickets Yeah, I much prefer ‘romances' that the characters meet in the first chapter so maybe all this time I was shelving these books wrong. Not to mention the fact that it took even longer than that before we actually entered the Realm. This book just doesn't work for me and like it said; I don't know if this book really isn't as good as the previous ones or if it just isn't my type of read anymore.

August 26, 2017