Cover 6

Master of Sin

2019 • 224 pages

SOAPBOX: I'll be honest I took a star off this book over the fact that the heroine was a 27-year-old virgin. I am SO tired of this trope. There was legit ZERO reason this heroine needed to be a virgin at her age. She was successful. She went to college. She apparently had multiple degrees and built her own company, and she was a-ok with getting kinky; her being a virgin was eye rolling. It's 2019, can we just please STOP with this type of heroine...sigh.

So off my soapbox...apart from the whole “virgin” thing I enjoyed this one a lot. The writing was good. It was well paced. The plot was engaging. It was pretty insta-love with virtually no angst. There wasn't any OW or OM drama. The sex was smokin' hot and plentiful. It had a great cast of secondary characters. Both Penny and Hagen were extremely likable main characters. Last, it was all wrapped up in an OK happy for now ending. I suppose we will see more of this couple in the other books.

So yea, I feel like I should apologize for docking a star from this book, but I can't. As a reader, I am just burnt out on the whole “virgin” trope. Especially in a case like this where it didn't fit with the heroine's character AT ALL. There was ZERO reason she needed to be a virgin, and If it hadn't been for that this book would have gotten at least 4 Stars, maybe more.

SIDE NOTE The age timeline in this one didn't work either. The heroine is supposed to be 27. Went to Standford and got multiple degrees. Gave her life up to raise her brother who is now basically 21 and started a whiskey empire almost seven years earlier??!! Not to mention it is stated many times she travelled the world for YEARS etc. Girlfriend should have been in middle 30's at the very least!

March 7, 2019