Matt Bell's Money Strategies for Tough Times: Ditch the Debt, Get Past the Crisis, Find Some Breathing Space, Position Yourself for Lasting Success

Matt Bell's Money Strategies for Tough Times

Ditch the Debt, Get Past the Crisis, Find Some Breathing Space, Position Yourself for Lasting Success



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I would like to say that I received this book by accident. That it came to me because I signed up for the NavPress Book Bloggers program without specifying what type of books I would like to receive. But after reading what this book is about I know that God knew better. If you have been following my blog for any amount of time you know that last year the Enginerd was laid off while I was about seven months pregnant and we were five months into being home owners. All that said and done, life has settled a bit with a great new job, a great move, the house finally sold and now we're living pretty in a rental. Although, money is still an huge issue.

Just getting groceries is sometimes an issue. And that one year old birthday coming up for our baby girl, well I keep trying to convince myself she's too young to remember that she will not be getting any presents or a big presentation. At least there is that. This book is timely with it's advice and it's message. Every chapter is filled with great strategies and helpful tidbits for rough and tough situations. The best part that I feel I get with this book is the feeling that someone understands. That situations like unemployment do get you down and it takes time to get past it, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel, you just gotta keep trekking.

To me our situation was awful, is awful. But it could be so much worse and we are hugely blessed by the people around us and individuals who have given us more than we ever could as for. I'm especially thankful for some particular bloggers who shared baby clothes. Indebted for life ladies!!

Thanks to NavPress for providing a copy for review.

July 16, 2010