Maus: Historia de un sobreviviente II: Y Aquí Comenzaron Mis Problemas


Historia de un sobreviviente II: Y Aquí Comenzaron Mis Problemas

1986 • 140 pages


Average rating4.5


the holocaust is being forgotten, erased, wiped from schools circulars lately and i think it needs to taught more now than ever. The holocaust is treated more like fiction than real life this past decade. People need to know what happened and to stop treating it as something so “simple” as just jewish people dying. People need to know the torture millions went through. Men, women, CHILDREN. Jewish people (and other races) went through hell. Pure torture. Jewish people are being erased as a race lately. People are denying that being jewish is a race. Did we not learn??

i hate this world ugh

February 8, 2022Report this review