Mera: Queen of Atlantis


Average rating4

Jamie RevellSupporter

While this is a separate mini-series, it ties directly into the ongoing plot arc then running in Aquaman and makes no sense without it. The plot focuses around Mera trying to find a way to help Arthur and, in that sense, is a side-story to the main plot about the Atlantean civil war. What helps is that, although there are a number of fights along the way, the story focuses more on the Atlantean/Xebelian culture, and how it enforces duty on those who don't necessarily want the burdens that go along with it.

Perhaps the strongest element is how the story uses Ocean Master, making him a more complex character than before, while remaining true to his roots. The story is not without its flaws; some of the fights are shoe-horned in solely to break up the dialogue, and, while the story is really about Mera and what lengths she'll go to, the fact remains that it's at least as much Aquaman who's driving the plot (even though he's not in it, except in flashback). But this is a nice diversion from the central part of the story, and Mera gets to shine.

July 24, 2019