Messages from Ukraine

Messages from Ukraine

66 pages


Average rating3


This was an interesting read. It's a collection of messages sent in the first few weeks of the Russian invasion of Ukraine that started in February 2022.

A professor from Sweden reached out to alumni from a program that was hosted in Ukraine and offered them places to stay in Sweden, and this is a series of responses he received. It shows the range of feelings and reactions the people in Ukraine experienced including the determination to stay and fight and provide support or to get as far away from the fighting as possible. It highlights the displacement of war, the love of country, and resilience of people.

It's a short read, and at the end features some information about how and why the collection was made. As well as a study guide, which I could see being useful for a younger audience to discuss in class or at home, or even just critically think about on their own.

Proceeds from the sale of Messages from Ukraine will go to the Canada-Ukraine Foundation, a national charitable foundation that provides humanitarian aid to the people of Ukraine.

***Thank you to University of Toronto Press for providing me with the ePub for free via NetGalley for an unbiased review.

November 26, 2022