2022 • 284 pages


Average rating3.6


I've been itching for a good Sci-Fi read and I finally found one.

Mickey7 is an expendable. He is the 7th iteration of the original Mickey Barnes. He does the jobs no one else will or can do and in the process he dies, usually not in a quick and painless way.

Out on a sweep mission, looking for creepers that inhabit the planet his people are establishing a colony on, Mickey7 ends up at the bottom of a hole and left for dead. He ends up finding his way back to the Dome only to find Mickey8 asleep in his bunk.

The colonists are already leery of him, as they see his position as being against the laws of humanity, despite understanding the necessity of it. If Command finds out there are multiples of him, they will both be scrapped and Mickey7 has an aversion to being killed.

What follows is a well-written, fun and chaotic journey as Mickey7 and Mickey8 try to stay under the radar. Throw in some Creepers, flashbacks of Mickey's previous lives and you get a Sci-Fi that is screen worthy.

I sincerely appreciate the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a review copy. All opinions expressed herein are mine and mine alone.

February 15, 2022