Average rating3.7
God this book was awful.
It was so boring, and there wasn't a “twist” I didn't see coming.
It took me forever to get through and it threw me into a few slumps.
Had it not been a Riley Sager book I probably would have DNF'd it but I should have anyways.
It felt like NOTHING happened in the 300+ pages.
Anytime anything started to get interesting it was explained away almost as quickly as it'd come up. I feel like any of the other suspect's being the culprit would have been more interesting than the actual culprit and their story was.
Riley Sager has always been a hit or miss author for me ranging from 2 stars (Lock Every Door) to near 5 Stars (Survive the Night and The Only One Left) but this was the biggest swing and a miss I've ever seen from him and boy am I disappointed. Even prior works that I rated low feel like 5 stars in comparison to this one.
My worst book of the year so far.