Average rating3.4
Okay so i will admit if i could rate this book up to the halfway mark i would have given this a one star review. However, now that i'm fully done with this one i can truly give it a 3 star rating.
This book is ginormous for YA and it really didn't need to be...it could have been edited further but here we are in hand. The chapters were too long like i don't need to read/listen to the inner monologues going on and on and on! I kept saying at the beginning damn Edward shut up!? And i know im not the only one thats saying this. This felt like a painful marathon and by the middle to 3/4 it was starting to satisfy me. I am glad i cleared my head and went into this one however i wish this didn't consume so much time to complete. I really spaced this one out over a month and a half cause if i listened to it and or read it every single day i probably would have given it a 1 star review overall.
This book took commitment and Stephanie meyer really put a lot of work into this one i can tell. Edward is a very complex individual and she executes that beautifully. Bella is great love her, love Alice even more thanks to this book and of course Emmett, i wish there was more of jasper and esmay but overall ill settle. Im hoping there is a Jacob perspective coming since there is a love triangle thing going on in the original twilight series. Overall 3 stars and im satisfied now that I've completed it. I personally think this was far too slow paced and it was really hard to motivate because of all the inner monologues but love that we are diving back into one of my favorites not an all time favorite but love the world of twilight.