Mina's malafa

Mina's malafa

2013 • 41 pages


Average rating3.5


Juvenile Fiction/Girls & Women
Ages 4-8, Preschool to 3rd
Pages: 40 Hardcover 10x10”
Date Published: October 8th, 2013
Publisher: Schwartz & Wade (Random House)

I am a Christian with a degree in Religious Studies and I think having picture books to introduce children to other cultures and belief systems is important. This would also be fabulous in a Muslim home with a daughter maturing in her faith. Full of vocabulary this story with lovely illustrations follows a Mauritanian (West Africa) girl around as she desires to be like the adult women in her life wearing a malafa (cloth wrap of the Muslim faith). Full of opportunities to show and teach multiculturalism, this book is very appropriate for demonstrating difference in a coming of age experience.

The only issue I had was in the small print/font. Yet I read a digital advanced reader copy and that make vary with the final book.

July 2, 2013