Mission Economy

Mission Economy

2020 • 272 pages


Average rating3



“Experts in the mission boards were selected to make the choice and give legitimacy to that choice. The risk is that there is little appetite to make choices as everyone defends their own corner” p. 117

“All this brings us back to the point that social missions are harder to fulfil than purely technological ones because they combine political, regulatory and behavioural changes” p. 146

“Greek political philosophy had a strong sense of public service and the duty of the citizen to engage in public affairs. This was seen as necessary to avoid tyranny, so much so that the ancient Greeks used the term ‘idiotes' (ιδιώτης) to denote those who did not operate in the public sphere; to put it harshly, if you were only concerned with the private sector, you were an idiot” p. 169

“Data is created collectively, and is increasingly central to the ability of citizens to access their rights to education, health and ser- vices like public transport. Finding ways in which to make sure that we govern data creation to benefit the common good is thus central to the ability to govern inclusive growth” p. 198

January 25, 2024