Mister B. Gone

Mister B. Gone

2007 • 240 pages


Average rating3.4


As my first foray into the stories of [a:Clive Barker 10366 Clive Barker https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1430330407p2/10366.jpg], I wasn't sure what to expect, but I really enjoyed this book. [b:Mister B. Gone 1011632 Mister B. Gone Clive Barker https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1429998358l/1011632.SX50.jpg 2851045], by the very nature of its narrator, makes you question whether what you're reading is entirely true. It's certainly not the first book to make use of the unreliable narrator—or is he?—but I loved how Barker uses it to both keep us on guard and pull us in to the narrative. Mr. B, as his friends call him, manages to be both a little threatening and charismatic enough that you'll find yourself rooting for him, though you know you probably shouldn't...there are hints and burnt edges around the corners of his story that imply that maybe you really shouldn't. A quick and engaging read, Mister B. Gone has whet my pallet for more Clive Barker.

June 10, 2022