Average rating3.6
(Adding a review so that when I go back to the book I'll know how I felt just after I read it)
The first book of the year and what a start. I listened to it, given my dream is for aziz to read a pasta recipe to me at bedtime. Even though this is a review, think of it more like a free writing. I'm probably going to review just the book and not the review. So coming back to the point, this book, like Aziz I presume, goes down easy. The stats are mind-blowing at some points and he doesn't indulge in them too much and moves forward pretty smoothly. At 6 hours, it's a short listen and thoroughly enjoyable.
We get to see romance from ages past till the modern ones, from the erudite men in Japan to the over promiscuous one in Argentina, the perspectives are vast. I wished he covered one from his parents' country of origin, India for the uninitiated, that would have been interesting seeing that we have the ultra-prude and the uber-creeps in the same country, with a dash of the urban and rural romantics to boot. I'd love to see him take this and many more countries and times on his sequel, the name which has stuck with me since I came up with it on the pot today, Post-Modern Romance. hmmm.
Some points of the book hit too close to home. The boring “hey”s sent to girls, the mind games while texting, the herbivore men. All too real. Though this book might be better if you are a straight male reader, but that's just me projecting. I can't know what others can take away from this, but I'd love to hear the thoughts.
Anyway, As you may now know I'm a big fan of him and his work and love how he divides his life into small projects. Looking forward to what he puts up next.