Monster Hunter Guardian
2020 • 496 pages


Average rating4


This is one of those MHI books that are from the point of view of a character other than Owen, this time Julie. Owen is fun, I like him, but this technique is great for making the books feel fresh and to add something extra. Big thumbs up from me. (Now, Mr. Correia, if you could write one for Mosh... I would love you forever. Or more than I do now.

The son of Julie and Owen, Ray is here and he is very cute. An adorable giant baby who comes from two people who are important in the fight between humanity and the evil paranormal powers, so we can't expect him to have a normie childhood, right? Heh. He gets kidnapped and of course almost everyone is still at Severny Island so the remaining few, especially Julie need to solve this. Channel Liam Neeson in Taken, girl.

I love this. Thanks, goodbye.

No, seriously, MHI is one of those things that just make me unreasonably happy. The creatures they fight are full of creativity and they are all unique and interesting challenges. The characters are badass and they certainly make the fights exciting (I tried listening to Nemesis at work once, but I got so excited my hands started trembling so I had to stop).
This time most of the people are gone, so it was in a way easier to read, but at the same time I missed Holly, Earl, Owen, Trip, MOSH OMG. We had Albert around though for a bit, which is nice, he is super underrated. And a bit more of Grimm Berlin, though again, most of them are also gone.

I will always recommend MHI, I will love it forever and my body is ready for the next one even though this just came out. Two thumbs up, only because I don't have more to give.

September 8, 2019