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Morning Glory Milking Farm

Morning Glory Milking Farm


Average rating3.8


I got the recommendation from a booktuber and couldn't... not check it out. It was both better and worse than I expected. Better, in that it's surprisingly wholesome (at least the relationship between the main couple); I really like the world that C.M. Nascosta is creating here, as well as the side characters; there was no third act break up, which was nice; and the ending was happy, without including marriage and babies (which is fine - I'm not anti-marriage and babies when it makes sense for the story/characters; I simply appreciate the less typical direction this story took). I also quite like the main pair, and found Violet to be extremely relatable. (Floundering millennial, struggling with anxiety and recovering from perfectionism? Present.)

Now the not-so-greats: there were some pretty noticeable errors that pulled me out of the story (including one where I had to flip between pages, trying to determine if I missed something or if the pages were out of order). The timing of the story was... a little confusing at times, with unexplained or poorly explained time-jumps. And several scenes that would have benefited the story to be fleshed out were skimmed over, told in hindsight, or simply left to be inferred. Also, the majority of the relationship aspect between our main couple is focused on the build up to the relationship; once they get together, the story feels rushed and summarized. 

All that being said, I did enjoy this book. I will continue the series. I just wish it had been better fleshed out (even an additional fifty pages would have been nice) and done more showing and less hindsight telling.   

May 7, 2023