Average rating4.3
The storyline picks up where [b:Strange the Dreamer 28449207 Strange the Dreamer (Strange the Dreamer, #1) Laini Taylor https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1519915549s/28449207.jpg 48158509] left off, and the author did a great job of putting in enough detail to help me remember exactly how that ended and who was who.There were a couple places where I wasn't sure how the author was going to write herself out of the proverbial corner but the solutions were interesting and satisfying. One scene was gruesomely detailed and seemed to just go on and on with the detailing; it seemed out of character for the rest of the writing style.I found this book wrapped up the storyline of the first book nicely. The author hints there might be another book in the series but I'm on the fence about whether I need to read it or not. Will it tie in to her Daughter of Smoke and Bone series?