Cover 7

My Kind of Man



Average rating3


Umm ... okay, this happened, no one got hurt, it's full of good intentions, and if you're reading it without reference to any actual human beings, depending one your level of chill, you can while away a few hours. The is the story of Michael who at twenty-six is a partner in a wildly successful sportswear company, which started as a college project with some friends, and has made them all rich. Michael is more than shy, he eschews company whenever possible, which is a lot since he works from home. The hitch is that Michael is into age play of the ABDL variety and he wants it as lifestyle, and not just the weekend or occasional playdates most Daddies want to take on. Luck is on our hero's side. He goes to Escape, a club that caters to his special tastes, and there he meets Callum who is exactly the kind of Daddy he dreamed about: lifestyle oriented, 40 y.o., taller & bigger than Michael, and drum roll owns his own successful advertising agency, thereby answering to no boss. I was shocked. Anyway .... I can live with with cookie cutter fantasies but other things just annoyed or bored me to tears.Mikey (as Callum dubs Michael when he's in his little persona) and Callum meet at the club, have instant recognition that the other is the exact, perfect person they've been searching for, and by the end of the week they're in love. Also by the end of the week they manage to have a major issue, which normal adults would've resolved with a two word conversation. There's even a brief separation in which time one of them is with another person. At this point I didn't care enough about the MCs to care. It just seemed like drama for drama's sake and belying the description of the characters as mature & solid adults who knew what they wanted, despite it being outside the prescribed norms. ABDL & Little-hood are kinks that don't appeal to me, what with adults playing with children's toys, constantly drinking milk or juice from sippy cups, wearing children's clothing, and generally reverting to a helplessness I'd rather forget ... gah ... but they don't bug me either. To each their own. I just need to be reasonably convinced of the viability of the relationship, and that the Little can actually function as an adult when need be. Also the Daddy being turned on when his partner is in his Little persona? A bit creepy. sigh In any case this is too much rambling to say that, while painless, this didn't strike one single chord of truth with me. From the first person present tense narration, nails on a chalkboard to me, to Michael's childishness outside of his Little persona, to the daytime soap opera drama, to the fact that I didn't believe for a second that these guys run successful businesses, as they seem to clock out diligently at 5:00 p.m. like any office drone and not the executives they're portrayed to be, to the SUPER EXTRA ULTRA INSTA falling in love at the recognition of someone who may share your same kink, sharing a kink does not a HEA make, but what do I know, it was all too much empty calories for me. A more convincing Daddy/little story, IMO, is [b:Silent Strength 36646189 Silent Strength (Strength, #1) M.A. Innes 58417409] & [b:Quiet Strength 37507712 Quiet Strength (Strength, #2) M.A. Innes 59118043]. As always YMMV and who knows? If you're in the mood for cotton candy happy because life has been crap, this could be the answer.

November 9, 2019